Page name: Front Page Image Contest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-02-22 18:28:12
Last author: Sunrose
Owner: Solitiaum
# of watchers: 13
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D20: 18
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Elfpack is growing quickly, and new features are being added almost daily! YAY! Now comes the time for to find an artist of exceptional caliber to draw for us an image to be displayed on the login page. How are we going to do this? A contest, how else?! Haha!

Listed below are the rules; please read them and understand that by entering this contest you agree via an understood contract to abide by these rules. Any image found to be in violation of the rules will be removed from the contest at the complete discretion of the judges.

To enter this contest, send a link to your full sized entry, with a title, to [Solitiaum]. She will post it here. (This is to avoid issues with those of you who might be tempted to move things around come poll time, or delete someone else’s entry.) Please spread the word, and have fun!

The Rules:

1. ALL SUBMITTED ENTRIES MUST BE THE SUBITTER’S ORIGINAL WORK AND IDEA. This means no reproductions, repostings, copied works, works randomly found on the net, submissions of another Elfpack member’s work, or heaven knows anything else we might have missed. Using another artist’s work without their express, written permission is stealing, and will NOT be tolerated. If a person is found to have submitted stolen work, that person will be permanently banned from submitting any more works, and will be reported to the guards.

2. ALL MEMBERS PARTICIPATING IN THIS WIKI, ENTRANTS OR NOT, MUST BE RESPECTFUL OF EVERYONE ELSE AND THEIR WORK. We, by no means, tolerate any sort of disrespect or drama. If anyone is badmouthing people, being disrespectful or causing trouble on the wiki, they will be added to our banned list. If we find out that anyone from the wiki has badmouthed, or spread rumours about the Wiki, it's members or The Elfpack Staff, that person will be added to our banned list. Any person on our banned list will have their entries & comments deleted. This is meant to be a happy, fun place where people can come to share and support each other, and we are set on keeping it that way.

3. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE ON THE ELFPACK/AUSTRALIAN THEME. No random images, no matter how cool they might look, will be allowed to participate. If an image’s theme does not seem to fit, the artist will be contacted via personal message and given a chance to explain how their work fits the theme. The judges have the last call on what does or does not fit the theme.

4. ENTRIES SHOULD BE 600x800 OR SCALABLE TO THAT SIZE. Other technical issues will be addressed on an entry by entry basis.

5. NO ONLINE CHARACTER CREATOR ART WILL BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE. We want you to put your blood, sweat, and tears into your entry; make it look the best it can possibly look by YOUR own hand. No entry that honestly shows effort will be disqualified, but the judges still have the final say.

6. ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST REACH [Solitiaum]’s MAILBOX BY THE 21st OF FEBRUARY. Voting will commence on the 1st of March.

7. HAVE FUN!! (Or we will sneak into your house and fill your bathtub with rubber duckies!! o_O;;)

Some Hints:
-Just cause you photoshop'd your entry does not mean it will win.
-Having a lot of friends vote for you does not mean you will win.
-Entries will be judged as fairly as possible, with the poll as a guide. Judges ultimatly will make the final decision.
-Uploading to another server or asking [Sunrose] for wiki uploading priviledges will take away the hassle of Elfpack's auto-resize function as it works when uploading to your house.


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Contest Closed!

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